The coronavirus pandemic may be a defining moment in our lifetimes, and it certainly has been a story that has, and will continue, to dominant the world and our news cycles. It definitely has had an impact on our lives including the sport of bike racing. With events being postponed/cancelled, and an uncertain future, we are confronted with options on how to respond. In this episode we change the script a bit and talk with four different people from four different parts of the sport to see how it is effecting them. First we speak with Bill Schieken, @CXHairs on Twitter and Instagram, about his views on the impact the virus has had on the cycling season and the emotions that come with it. Then we turn to Zack Allison, @zacharylallison on Instagram, a cycling coach for Source Endurance (source-e.net), a pro with Team CLIF Bar Cycling, @clifbarracing on Instagram, and an event director for the FoCo Fondo, @focofondo on IG. Zack tells us how he's approaching the situation when it comes to his event and how Team CLIF Bar is managing to maintain its focus without racing. Up third is Ali Sheehan, @ali.sheehan on IG, you may remember her British accent from last season's show about her journey to the US from England to explore our crit scene. She had an adventure three times as large planned for this year and because of the virus it's all been interrupted. That would upset the best of us; but Ali shows us how she's managing and keeping a positive attitude despite it all. The episode wraps up with Adam Pulford, @coach_AP on Insta and Twitter, a cycling coach for Carmichael Training Systems (trainright.com) and provider of perspective. As always, Coach Adam helps us see the forest for the trees and dial in on the things that are really critical.