Episode 328 | Virginia's Blue Ridge GO Cross (Trek USCX Round One)
September 18, 2024Episode 328Bill Schieken Cyclocross Radio Comments Off on Episode 328 | Virginia's Blue Ridge GO Cross (Trek USCX Round One)Boedi and Bill get into the cyclocross weeds following a fantastic opening weekend of the Trek USCX series at...
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Ep 499 Suburban Living
September 17, 2024Episode 499Spencer Haugh The Slow Ride Podcast Comments Off on Ep 499 Suburban LivingEp 499 Suburban Living
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Episode 327 | Englewood Open CX, GO Cross Preview and Listener Questions
September 11, 2024Episode 327Bill Schieken Cyclocross Radio Comments Off on Episode 327 | Englewood Open CX, GO Cross Preview and Listener QuestionsWe are back in the media pit talking about the Englewood Open CX, previewing GO Cross and answering listener...
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