Rob Kelly

Potential Featuring Joe Laverick

When have we lived up to our potential? A lot of us never really get to answer that question; but rather must deal with the pitfalls life throws in our way. Some of us are lucky, or stubborn enough, to push on beyond those pitfalls and create…

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Coming to America with Cecile Lejeune

At a time when many American racers are taking to Europe to race, Cecile has done the opposite. Trading in Mt Ventoux and baguettes for Mt Lemmon and burritos, Cecile is making the bike racing dream work in North America from crits, to UCI podiums to…

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Into the Wild with Kimberly Lucie

New host, who dis?  Can our Criterium Nation survive a new host? And a Canadian one at that? We are about to find out as retired pro Jordan Cheyne takes the front. But what better guest than the lead out woman herself, Kimberly Lucie of DNA Pro…

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Four Take Aways from Stage Race Season

We are now at the end of the beginning and poised for a new phase of the domestic racing scene. That means it is a perfect time for us to check in on what has happened, identify some solid trends and talk about all the takeaways that we can from the…

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What Happened with the NCL

On April 15 the National Cycling League shuttered its doors for 2024, and announced that it will focus on 2025. That has left riders and teams in limbo, and a lot of confusion as to what is happening. We are joined by journalist Logan Jones-Wilkins to…

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The Project Echelon Files: The Working Man Pro with Matt Zimmer

Job, wife, child, pro bike racer. That’s a full day and for Matt Zimmer that’s his reality. He’s come a long way since being the high schooler in Iowa who just raced bikes, and he is here to share that journey with us along with tidbits about racing…

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Reputation with Jordan Cheyne

Your reputation is who you are before you actually arrive. It’s the version of yourself that stays behind long after you have left. It opens doors and definitely gets some doors closed very hard. In bike racing your reputation is just as important as…

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Season Opener 2024

There are a lot of firsts that are set to happen this year, one thing that we are very proud of is our effort to be the first to bring data into American bike racing. It’s all in an effort to do what has not been done before which is to set basic…

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The World Tour with Maggie Coles-Lyster

It’s amazing to watch people grow and excel. This podcast has been fortunate enough to have had a myriad of incredible guests who have achieved tremendous levels of success. Now, for the first time, we have a World Tour Pro on the show in Maggie…

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Who Comes Next: Crossover with The Call Up

We are fortunate to occupy this stage for only a brief period of time. What happens after we leave? How do we maintain the progress we’ve made and ensure that others can stand on our shoulders? It’s a question that we must grapple with in criterium…

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