Lindsay Goldman, former host of The Dirtfield Recordings, is now the Director of Membership for USA Cycling and the USACommunique is a new show in which Lindsay answers your questions about USA Cycling (or anything else, for that matter). Got a question? Ask it. Even if it doesn't deal specifically with membership, Lindsay will find the person in the organization who can answer and she will share what she learns, here, on the show.
If you'd like to ask a question, you can email USACommunique@gmail.com. You can also leave a voicemail at 405.294.2477. Follow the show on Twitter at @USACommunique.
USACommunique is part of the Wide Angle Podium network. Visit www.wideanglepodium.com to learn more about our other shows and to join our member-funded community.
The Wide Angle Podium Network is sponsored by Worx Get 15% off the new Worx Hydroshot power washer and an assortment of tools and accessories by going to www.yourcleanbike.com and using the code GEARUP.
WAP is also sponsored by Whoop. Go to www.whoop.com and enter the code WAP for a discount on 12 and 18 month memberships.