HBP #9 – Please Knit Us Some Socks

The WHBP Holiday Spectacular double album special! Greg and mattio unveil their Holiday Shopping And Money-Spendering Guide, sprinkled liberally with unsolicited relationship advice from Greg. After an intermission about beer (where, surprise, Greg has some complaints), the guys dive into what they're doing during their respective off seasons , even dispensing something vaguely resembling actual information along the way. Please enjoy this double-length special episode with warmest holiday wishes from WHBP crew.

Episode Links

The Park Tool PZT-2 makes a great gift for the cyclist and pizza lover in your life.

iTunes (Subscribe! Leave us a review!): The Workingman's Honest Bicycle Program

mattio Twitter: @_mattio

Greg Twitter: @grolby

Email us at honestbikeprogram@gmail.com

Music: “Life Before Wartime,” by Maxwell's Demon

Read more at http://twhbp.wideanglepodium.libsynpro.com/page/2/size/25#b5oPpB0CsHLWJx1A.99