This week on WHBP is all about de-biking, n-u, n+0, however you want to put it. We debunk the endless repetition of “n+1,” talk about bikes for purposes, how many bikes we want and whether buying something can change your life in a meaningful way. Spoiler: it can't.
Episode Links
Cycling in the South Bay – De-biking
iTunes (Subscribe! Leave us a review!): The Workingman's Honest Bicycle Program
mattio Twitter: @_mattio
Greg Twitter: @grolby
Email us at honestbikeprogram@gmail.com
Music: “Life Before Wartime,” by Maxwell's Demon
Read more at http://twhbp.wideanglepodium.libsynpro.com/page/2/size/25#b5oPpB0CsHLWJx1A.99