We are calling episode 32 of Crosshairs Radio “The Sampler Plate,” because there is a little bit of everything on this episode and all of it is awesome. We start off the show by checking in with Jeremy Powers who gives an update on what he's up to and also gives some insight into the season ahead for him and his Aspire Racing program. But the main reason to have Jeremy on was to talk about the upcoming Jeremy Powers Washington DC Cyclocross Camp, which we would love to see you attend. For more information on this year's camp please visit: www.bikereg.com/jeremy-powers-dc-cross-camp.
Also on the show is Junior World Cyclocross Champion, Jens Dekker. At only 17 years old, Jens is not only a star in the sport but he's also a great interview. Unfortunately, the sound quality on this one is not where I want it to be. It's listenable and may even be better quality than a lot of other podcasts you are used to, but we like to set the bar high and want to do better. So just to be sure you don't miss out on any of the conversation, the transcript of the chat is available at www.cxhairs.com.
After Jens we talk to yet another World Champ! Evie Richards, the U23 Cyclocross World Champ joins us for a quick chat. This was originally a video interview I shot in La Bresse, France, before the last round of World Cup cross country mountainbike races. My original plan was to show some highlights of Evie on course in a nice video package. But I missed her in practice and only have race footage, which I can't show because of rights issues.
Also on the show is Tom Meeusen!! I've wanted to talk to this guy for some time and he did not disappoint. Super nice and a pleasure to talk to. Along with Richards I hope to have these two back for longer conversations. Like the Richards interview, this was also originally shot for video.
We close out the show with a segment produced by JB Hancock on Australian cyclocross. JB is joined by Scott Dedenbach of the Cyclocross Network and TDDTIE fame and Sean Cooley, editor of Australian Cyclocross Magazine.
Thanks as always for tuning in. If this is your first time listening, you can explore the rest of our episodes here. You can support the show and this site by checking out our swag at www.crosshairscycling.com/shop. Also visit www.cyclocrossbook.com to get your copy of Skills Drills and Bellyaches: A Cyclocross Primer.
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