Welcome to the Slow Ride's Kanza Corner where apparently all we can talk about is Gravel Racing and it's deeply nuanced ethos!
We are extremely excited to welcome Whoop as a brand new sponsor of the podcast! Use code slowride at checkout to save 15% on a 12 or 18 month plan!
Also! Shred Science Nutrition is back, and is the best way we know of to get your weight and eating habits absolutely dialed in. Head over to Shred Science Nutrition and check out their nutrition plans today!
The Slow Ride is also supported by Health IQ! Check out healthiq.com/wap to learn how you can save actual real money on your life insurance.
The poddy is also supported by Grimpeur Bros. Specialty Coffee! Our custom WAP roasts “The Full Schleck” and “Cyclocross Friends” are available now! Proceeds from each sale directly support WAP (and SRP)! It's a win-win! Check out grimpeurbros.com and pick up the Full Schleck light roast or Cyclocross Friends espresso.
Find us, and other fantastic cycling podcasts on the Wide Angle Podium Network, at wideanglepodium.com! Check out the brand new WAP app available in the Apple and Android app stores!
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Find us on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, or anywhere great podcasts are found. Give us a review and rating! We'd appreciate it!
You can email us at theslowridepodcast@gmail.com
Find us on Twitter:
The show (@theslowridepod)
Matt (@littleguymatt)
Spencer (@spencerhaugh)
Tim (@thesuperrookie)
Abby (@abimickey)