It's a holiday week in the US, so we needed to take some time to get prepped for travel and family. But, we wouldn't leave you hanging! Here's a couple classic Slow Ride clips you may have missed, as well as part of an interview we did with Erik Saunders wayyyy back on Episode 53. We think it is full of great content, and deserves a revisit! We hope you enjoy this cobbled-together throwback episode, and we'll be back next week!
We are supported this week by Health IQ, a life insurance company that celebrates the health conscious, including cyclists. Please visit HealthIQ.com/slowride to learn more & get a free quote!
Find us, and other fantastic cycling podcasts on the Wide Angle Podium Network, at wideanglepodium.com! And remember to check out our NEW KITS at icksnay.com or click on the store link on WAP dot com!
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