This week we solve the Slipstream funding shortfall, talk about a Taco, and count how many of Tim's riders have excited the Vuelta. (Hint: It's a lot)
We are supported this week by Nature Box. Don't be that guy begging for snacks on the next group ride. Go to NatureBox.com/slowride and enter the promo code SLOWRIDE for three free snacks to get you started down the road to better treats!
We are also supported by Health IQ, a life insurance company that celebrates the health conscious, including cyclists. Please visit HeatlhIQ.com/slowride to learn more & get a free quote!
Find us, and other fantastic cycling podcasts on the Wide Angle Podium Network, at wideanglepodium.com!
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Matt (@littleguymatt)
Spencer (@spencerhaugh)
Tim (@thesuperrookie)