Surly is great, we just thought this patch was illustrative. Click through to their website and give 'em some love.
This week on WHBP, Greg and mattio start with some listener feedback on Secret Racing and their (mostly unjustified affronted feelings when someone passes them. And then they dive deep into a Serious Discussion about cycling tribalism/elitism and whether or not racers have anything to contribute to cycling advocacy.
Episode Links
iTunes (Subscribe! Leave us a review!): The Workingman's Honest Bicycle Program
mattio Twitter: @_mattio
Greg Twitter: @grolby
Email us at honestbikeprogram@gmail.com
Music: “Life Before Wartime,” by Maxwell's Demon
Read more at http://twhbp.wideanglepodium.libsynpro.com/#sWcP6Wlr6McQuqm1.99