We are back in the Media Pit with Zach, Micheal, and Bill to chat about the 2024-2025 UCI Cyclocross Calendar for North America and the Cyclocross World Cup. We also answer your Instagram questions.
Cyclocross Radio is part of the Wide Angle Podium podcast network. Support independent cycling media by joining the Wide Angle Podium at wideanglepodium.com/donate.
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Follow Micheal on Twitter at @landsoftly and Instagram at @yeahyouride.
Follow Zach on Twitter at @theshoestar and Instagram at @theshoestarphoto.
Follow Bill (@cxhairs) on Twitter and Instagram.
Follow the podcast and the bulletin at @cxhairsbulletin.
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Email the show at feedback@cxhairs.com. Or call the helpline and leave a message: 405-CXHAIRS.
Buy a shirt! While supplies last, go to cxhairsdistro.com and get a Wout Me Worry, Van der Poel Rules, and This Is Real Cyclocross Weather shirt.