A few weeks back, we had the opportunity to ride bikes with the fine folks from Our Mother The Mountain (OMTM). They took us on some great gravel roads Northwest of town and made us a sweet playlist to accompany it. We talk bikes and punk rock — trust us, these guys are the coolest! Have a listen and then check out their website (omtm.cc) where they share fantastic routes and encourage others to join them at one of their scheduled rides.
Dixie Mountain Rambler Summertime Power Pop Mixtape: https://open.spotify.com/user/1254922238/playlist/6HeZRLkJcgrV5VG4AJ1RVC
Route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/23520886
Also, please check out wideanglepodium.com for the donor drive during the entire month of August. We appreciate your support!