This week we really take a deep dive into the cycling offseason and answer some really tough questions from our listeners. Real Cloak & Dagger type stuff. Also, we recap USA Cyclocross Nationals and all the surprises(?) that happened there. It's a wild ride this week!
This week we are supported by WORX Hydroshot portable washer! Just in time for cyclocross season, and winter training rides. This thing is amazing, get yours at yourcleanbike.com, AND do yourself a favor and watch the A+ video on it here: wideanglepodium.com/hydroshot
The poddy is also supported by Grimpeur Bros. Specialty Coffee! Our custom WAP roasts “The Full Schleck” and “Cyclocross Friends” are available now! Proceeds from each sale directly support WAP (and SRP)! It's a win-win! Check out grimpeurbros.com and pick up the Full Schleck light roast or Cyclocross Friends espresso.
Last butt not least; Miracle WAP Chamois Cream! Produced for us by our friends at Buckler Skin Care we've created Miracle WAP, the smoovest thing to hit the cycling scene since our podcast! “The tingle is the miracle”!
Find us, and other fantastic cycling podcasts on the Wide Angle Podium Network, at wideanglepodium.com! Check out the brand new WAP app available in the Apple and Android app stores!
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The show (@theslowridepod)
Matt (@littleguymatt)
Spencer (@spencerhaugh)
Tim (@thesuperrookie)