Welcome back to another episode of the Slow Ride Podcast, this week Tim isn't with us, so enjoy a rest week from that. Despite Tim being dropped, the SRP leadout kept rolling along, as Spencer and Matt discussed the upcoming Vuelta, review the other racing happening, and get deep into Big Disc.
The remainder of August is the Wide Angle Podium Donor Drive. If you like our little show (or hate it), please think about joining and helping to support what WAP is building. Check out wideanglepodium.com/donate to get involved! If you enjoy this show, you will probably enjoy the other networks shows as well, give 'em a listen!
We are sponsored this week by the new Grimpeur Bros. Specialty Coffee! Custom WAP roast “The Full Schleck” is now available, and proceeds from each sale directly support WAP and SRP! Check out grimpeurbros.com and pick up the Full Schleck.
Find us, and other fantastic cycling podcasts on the Wide Angle Podium Network, at wideanglepodium.com! Check out the brand new WAP app available in the Apple and Android app stores!
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You can email us at theslowridepodcast@gmail.com
Find us on Twitter:
The show (@theslowridepod)
Matt (@littleguymatt)
Spencer (@spencerhaugh)
Tim (@thesuperrookie)
Abby (@abimickey)