Two weeks of the Vuelta done, and we are still not all on board. This week Tim discusses his next @velogames plan, Matt tries to turn Spencer's logic against him, and Spencer takes the lead. We talk even more about Slipstream, and teach you how to fund your local race. Our sincere apologies to Teresa Heinz? she is not dead.
We are supported this week by Nature Box. Don't be that guy begging for snacks on the next group ride. Go to NatureBox.com/slowride and enter the promo code SLOWRIDE for three free snacks to get you started down the road to better treats!
We are also supported by Health IQ, a life insurance company that celebrates the health conscious, including cyclists. Please visit HeatlhIQ.com/slowride to learn more & get a free quote!
Find us, and other fantastic cycling podcasts on the Wide Angle Podium Network, at wideanglepodium.com!
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Matt (@littleguymatt)
Spencer (@spencerhaugh)
Tim (@thesuperrookie)