We are excited to launch a new cyclocross podcast for your listening enjoyment. Every weekend we will track down top cyclocrossers who raced in the U.S. or Europe and have a conversation about their weekend. We will talk about racing, traveling, preparing and just being. Those conversations will the be posted Monday morning for you to hear. We start out with Meredith Miller and Mark McConnell after they both raced Ellison Park Cyclocross. Check out the episode below and then come back and join us each Monday for Crosshairs Radio.
Thanks for listening. And tell a friend.
[UPDATE: iTunes feed now available. Follow the link for the show and please subscribe, rate, review. Thanks. itunes.apple.com/nl/podcast/crosshairs-radio/id1037733996?l=en&mt=2.] [UPDATE 2: For those on mobile devices, here’s the direct download feed: traffic.libsyn.com/crosshairsradio/CrosshairsRadioEpisode1.mp3. For those who would like to add the show feed to their podcast app, here is the feed: crosshairsradio.libsyn.com/rss]